Dear Better Human,
Everything you say, think, feel, and do is choice.
No matter what happens around you, to you, for you, against, you, whatever, it’s still your choice in how you respond.
This is Max Truth—the mathematical certainty that everything is 100% your responsibility and yours alone.
100% is all... max… nothing else.
Most are blind to Max Truth for various reasons—reasons I’m working on in my new book by the same title.
Reasons help you understand why it’s the case, and that’s helpful, but it doesn’t mean you’ll wake up tomorrow living Truth in all aspects of your life.
It takes time.
Something to consider that you can start reminding yourself of any time you get angry, upset, or feel the urge to blame or project ANYTHING onto someone or something else—it’s all your choice.
You want to be mad, upset, sad, whatever, you are choosing to.
The reason so many fall into these victim-minded thought patterns for so long—some their entire lives—is because they so long ago gave up their agency to control their thoughts that they don’t even know that they can and should. That is being blind to Max Truth.
The only way to see Truth is to peel back the layers of blindness a little bit at a time.
Diogenes went into the marketplace with a lantern in the middle of the day saying I am looking for a man. All he found were ignorant, obedient, and pitiful creatures.
Lincoln said, “You can fool all the people some of the time and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.”
“Nearly 7,500 Americans will die in the next 24 hours from cancer, heart disease, diabetes, aging, and other issues. And the same amount of people will die tomorrow and the day after.” -Zoltan Istavan
“…every poor devil finds pleasure in scolding – it gives him a little of the intoxication of power. Even complaining and wailing can give life a charm for the sake of which one endures it: there is a small dose of revenge in every complaint, one reproaches those who are different for one’s feeling vile”. (Nietzsche, Twilight of the Idols)
Nietzsche, Twilight of the Idols
it’s all a joke anyways…. so laugh and dance
📰 News and Stuff 🚨
🔥 Useful $HIT CORNER 🔥
🇺🇸 On this day in 1861 → In the U.S. Congress, petitions and bills calling for the abolition of slavery are introduced. Can you believe this used to be “legal”? Now consider how many laws you think are moral or just and are “afraid of”? The State is an illusion of corruption and coercion. Nothing more.
🦾 How to be dangerous → rise above it all. There is peace in the clouds as you watch the world stuck in the muck. All you have to do is step out.
🥑 Food: Add a bit of lemon juice to prevent butter from burning. Out of shallots, try a combination of onion and garlic as a replacement.
🌞 Rad: The Sun is travelling at 220 km per second
🌲 Trees are the longest living organisms on Earth, and never die of old age.
🥩 Sourcing from a local farm is the most important thing you can do to change our health and the world.
💇🏼♀️ In 1950, only 5% of women dyed their hair. Now, that number has increased to 75%!
🌞 Health → Get sunlight on your skin and eyes first thing each morning. One of the reasons people get sick during the winter is the lack of vitamin D. GO OUTSIDE, even if it’s cold, and ditch the sunglasses.
🧠 It’s all thought → Everything in your mind is your choice. The next time you blame someone, realize you are giving away your power to control your destiny, and thus you are suffering needlessly. Own your thoughts. Everything else hurts you.
🌏 Fix Your Minerals⚕️
After doing the UF mineral test, I had high mercury, low sodium, and potassium.
To correct this, I started a daily stack that includes Upgraded Magnesium and Potassium, Upgraded Memory with Boron, and the Upgraded Iodine.
Since adding UF to my daily routine, my sleep is better and that mid-afternoon "slump" is nonexistent. I’ve always known that minerals matter, but it wasn’t until I tested myself that I was able to see exactly what I needed.
I highly recommend doing the simple hair test yourself and in the meantime starting with magnesium and iodine, two of the most commonly deficient minerals for the average person.
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🎙 Better Human Podcast 🎙
🤑 Corruption
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Recommended Products Area
💰 The Fold Card is a Bitcoin rewards debit card. It’s pretty cool. I’ve been using it lately. Get yours here.
🦢 Swan Bitcoin is what I use to buy Bitcoin daily using dollar-cost averaging.
💸 What I use to earn on my Bitcoin: The Celsius Network → Earn $40 in BTC with your first transfer of $400 or more! #UnbankYourself
🥩 Crowd Cow delivers delicious protein to your doorstep. I use my monthly subscription to make sure we never run out of clean animal proteins.
🦌 Wild Foods → Better Foods For Better Humans - use code WILDCEO for 15% off
🤡 World →
The Better Human → Become an independent thinker and action taker
I’m Colin. I believe in Free Humans, Free Markets, and limited (or no) government. I’m a CEO, Entrepreneur, Father, Podcaster, and Thinker. Read my story and philosophy. Send feedback or get in touch via this link.
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Past Newsletters you may have missed
🦾 Writers are ruining the world 🦾 Why you should be happy right now 🦾 $43 million to buy the Constitution 🦾 The most important book ever written - 🦾 Inflation is here - 🦾 Why I’m pro-human 🤯 The US military's daily gas use - 🦾 I lost 35 pounds in 30 days (do not try) - 🦾 Crypto goes to zero while billionaires fly their private jets to tackle climate change